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Cake Decorating Classes
Celebrating Spring in the Garden
In just a few weeks, the spring equinox will finally be here! For many of us, spring represents a season of rebirth. It’s the time of year to look forward to warmer weather, and of course, the growth of new plants.
So, here are some past colorful memories from the garden for you fellow gardeners to enjoy in preparation for the celebration of Spring 2021!
If you’re excited about spring just like I am, then you need to try some plant varieties this year. I'm really looking forward to getting out in the garden here in Northern New Jersey, to begin the early spring pruning and repotting of plants.
What are you doing to celebrate spring?

Starting Plants from Seed
It's March and the weather seems to be warming up a bit this week, here in the Northeast, I'm preparing for our spring garden. During the next several weeks, the students in the garden club, will be busy starting many of the vegetables, herbs and flowers from seed.
We start sowing seeds indoors under grow lights, soon after the New Year. By April, we sow hundreds of seeds that have been ordered from our favorite sources. Many of this year's seeds, seed trays and other supplies are from Johnny’s Selected Seeds , Park Seed, Bakercreek Heirloom Seeds and Burpee Seeds Resources I’ve been using for years.
Starting plants from seed isn’t difficult at all. It is important to know when to begin sowing. Last year I was so anxious I started way too early and by the time the plants were ready to be transplanted, they suffered a bit of stress. The good news is that the seeds can be planted closely together in seed starting trays, and then pulled apart easily when they're ready to move into larger pots or outdoors.
Enjoy the photos below !

Why I Love Gardening
When people ask me why I am so obsessed with gardening, my answer is simple
I was born into it!
I’ve been gardening a very long time – over half a century to be exact. My father & grandparents on both sides of my family were gardeners, so it’s in my blood.
Growing up we had a huge vegetable garden and my father started almost everything from seed under grow lights. In the warmers months, flowers filled many of the beds surrounding our house.
Having lived in New York City for several years I was unable to garden and every spring really sensed something was missing especially spending time in the parks and seeing the spring flowers in bloom.
A few years back after moving to New Jersey one of the first things I did was plan a flower and vegetable garden at home. I am fortunate to be teaching at a school that is situated on a 16.33 acre tract of land where I have designed and created a garden with my students for the past three years.

Spending time in the garden during September through November can be very productive and enjoyable after a hot summer. While many of the summer vegetables will continue to grow and produce until frost, a well planned fall garden can provide vegetables into the early winter, while some plants can be over-wintered to get an early start the following spring. Cooler temperatures make it refreshing and enjoyable to spend more time in the garden during the fall months. Take a look at this video that was taken mid September... It's actually quite beautiful and colorful.